Donate a Whittaker's Wings Care Pack
Whittaker's Wings care packs are donated to hospitals to be provided to bereaved parents of stillborn babies, the moment they are made aware of their loss.
We provide individual care packs to each parent so they are both seen and acknowledged in their darkest hour.
Each care pack contains these basic essentials:
A Warm Tracksuit
Shower Gel
Dental Kit from White Glo
+ for the Mums care packs
4 x Maternity pads
A special book-"You Could Have Been" by Ann Marree Imrie
Face Wipes
Lip Balm
+ for the Dads care packs
In my own time, I will.. Notepad
Your donation will provide a whole care pack to a bereaved parent in their darkest days.
If you would like your care pack donated in honour of your precious baby, please leave a note in the “Special instructions for seller” box in your cart.
Read more about our project Whittaker's Wings HERE